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What we are attemping to do!

We introduce a new image database, CTA database, for evaluation and comparison for existing color transfer algorithms. It contains 72 test images (24 original and target images, 4 types of existing color transfer algorithms for each pair of images). More than 100 experiments will be done in order to obtain the Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) for this database. Observers from more than eight countries (the US, India, China, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Canada, Ukraine and so on) will participate these tests, provide more than 100,000 individual human quality judgments. The obtained MOS can be used for effective testing of different color transfer algorithms as well as for developing new quality assessment of color transfer algorithms. The designed test image database will be freely available for downloading and utilization in future scientific investigations.

About the Algorithms

Random Name

A color-transfer method

can naturally transfer the colors and moods of a target image to a source image


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Mean Opinion Scores

You are the grader

Give us your opinion of the transfer results

Thank you

Random Name

Thanks a lot for your participation!


To be Added.